Monthly Archives: May 2009

Oil change Skills

Skills hours: 3 hours

We had a full house today at the Skills workshop. All five lifts were occupied with a couple of folks working on their cars on the shop floor.

Today my work included two oil changes for admin and a lesson in diagnostics. I’m getting quicker with my oil changes, but need to not forget to double-check for leaks under the car. On the Mazda I remembered that only after I’d already poured in 3 qts. of oil.

The owner of the Mazda also wanted us to check the brakes. That’s where the diagnostics lesson came in. There was a lot of buildup around the brake fluid reservoir, so that suggests there’s a nasty leak there somewhere. We weren’t able to top her off though since we were all out.

While I was doing the oil change I noticed that the seal around the drain plug on the oil pan is getting worn and the whole plug needs to be replaced. Again, today, there wasn’t much we could do about it since we’re just a volunteer shop with limited access to parts. I made a note anyway on the service order and since we keep a copy of it, the next time it comes in we’ll be ready. ting